Turning the page from the Minor Prophets into the Gospels. The last books of the Old Testament to the first books of the New Testament. Jesus entered as […]
The Minor Prophets
Often times the Minor Prophets are overlooked, by-passed, or ignored. The Minor Prophets were some of God’s last words of communication to His people before Jesus came to […]
In preparation for our Dream Event we took a Sunday and talked about Dreaming. Powered by our passion to follow our NEW Mission Statement, “Growing in God, Investing […]
Core Values
The foundational beliefs of an organization. The guiding principles. Guard rails. Like lines on a playing field they define the boundaries. They mark various places on the field […]
Hot Topics
Hot topics. Current events. What does God’s Word have to say about these topics? What is the attitude that God’s people should have toward these topics that easily […]
Prisoners of Hope
We find ourselves in prisons much more confining than physical prisons with walls and barbed wire. They don’t have names like Alcatraz or San Quentin, they have names […]
What Difference Does it Make?
Believing is important. It is an essential step in our foundation. But if believing doesn’t lead us to action. If change does not follow belief. If we are […]
The Bible is full of God’s promises to His people. Huge promises. Promises of great impact. Promises of His presence, His strength, His activity, His gifts to us, […]
Take God at His Word
Demographics studies and statistics show that the topic of “finances” is an important topic for a majority of people. Yet we are a little “stand-off-ish” when it comes […]
The change of a year is a time that a lot of people look at some personal changes they need to make. It might be health related goals […]