Pastoral Care

A ministry that is focused to meet the needs of the members of Miamitown Church of Christ.

Hospital Visitation:

The ministerial staff of MCC as well as MCC church members are involved in seeing you in the hospital.

Membership Care:

This new developing ministry will be targeting members that seem to vanish. People vanish from churches for many different reasons that range from personal problems at home to differences with people at church. But what ever the reason, we know that there is a need. This ministry focuses on working with these people through phone calls or visitation from church members or staff.


This ministry sends visitors to the nursing home or the home of a “shut-in” to bring them a Christian friend to talk and pray with, just to let them know someone cares about them.


This is a ministry that is designed to bring a part of the worship service to those who are unable to attend Sunday services due to sickness or hospital stay.